Notice to our friends, now available on, the environmentally oriented film documentary: 'Freewheeling, Bicycling in New York City', by visual artist F. A. Rodríguez,
which has won the awards of Best Editing at the Festival du Cinéma de Paris- Palmarés 2005. Also, Best
Documentary of 2004 at the Festival Du Cinema de Bruxelles. The film is also winner of the award, Integral Realization at
the San Francisco Short Film Festival, 2004. It was, official selection at the Festival International de Biarritz 2004, The
New York Short Film Festival, 2004. And, the Miami Short Film Festival,2004.

AR2 Fine Arts Inc. Presents-Presenta F. A. Rodriguez 'The Spirit of the Butterfly' 'El Espiritu de las Mariposas'
Ancyluris Formosissima 6-11-1976 Oil 19x32in |
In Memory of Humberto Soto-Ricart
(HUSORI) En Memoria de Humberto Soto-Ricart (HUSORI)
From his friends: Maya, Angie and F.A. Rodríguez
Sus amigos: Maya, Angie y F.A. Rodríguez
Dominican Pastoral 2-3-1987 30"x58" Oil - Oléo |
Pholus Vitis- Detail from "Dominican Pastoral" 1987
Pholus Vitis- Detalle de "Pastoral Dominicana" 1987
"The Spirit of the Butterfly"
"El Espiritu de las Mariposas"
Welcome to our web site! Bienvenidos a nuestras paginas en el Internet!
This web page's main purpose is to work on behalf of the protection
of the environment. Art is the medium which we as an organization will depend on to bring across our ideas. Our previous exhibitions
were done in English but as many Spanish-speaking people started to visit us, we decided to do a bilingual web site in order
to accommodate our viewers.
This first bilingual exhibition is dedicated to a dear friend and partner in our publishing
endeavors who recently passed away. His name is Don Humberto Soto-Ricart and he was one of the top art critics in the Dominican
Republic, with more than 50 years of experience in fine arts critique. His passing leaves a void in the intellectual discourse
of the oldest European enclave of the Americas, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. May he rest in peace.
F. A. Rodríguez & Humberto Soto-Ricart 1987 |
Photo: Back cover Museum of the Dominican Man General Catalog
Foto: Catálogo General Museo del Hombre Dominicano