DoubleARfineart - Selected Sculptures 1967-2007

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Selected Sculptures 1967-2007 -Pag.1
Selected Sculptures 1967-2007 - Pag. 2
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AR2 Fine Arts Inc. Presents - F. A. Rodríguez - Selected Sculptures 1967- 2007

Here is a selection of small scale sculptures created by F. A. Rodríguez starting in 1967 to 2007.

Les traemos una selección de esculturas creadas por  F. A. Rodríguez comenzando en el  año 1967 hasta el 2007.

Protect Our Planet

Por la protección del  Planeta

F.A.Rodriguez NYC 1977-Photo: K. C. Fairbridge

2015 the hottest year in recorded history. NOAA.



Figure & Bust - 1971 Carved Wood - Side:B

Polar bears face new threat. Associated Press reports on Sunday, June 15, 2008. 'The White House has extended legal protections to seven oil companies that might harm polar bears during exploration.' 'Less than a month after declaring polar bears a threatened species because of global warming, the Bush administration is giving oil companies permission to annoy and potentially harm them in the pursuit of oil and natural gas'.

Greek Figure - 1973 - Stones -H. 2.5" W. 3"

Greek Stones -1973 - Stones - H3.5" x W.3"

Together - 1974 - Stones - H.3.5" x W.3"

Future Mother 1974 Painted Wood -H.12" x W. 5.5"

"Scientists estimate that there are fewer than 30,000 polar bears in the world today. The loss of sea ice due to global warming is projected  to reduce the polar bear population even further". Miami Herald, Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monk 1978 Stones - H.6.5" x W.4"

Alone 1974 -Stones- H.2 3/4" x W. 2.5"

Many of the stones used to created these sculptures were collected by the artist during his extensive travels in Europe and the Caribbean islands.

Mother & Child - 1976 - Stones - H. 6.5 x W. 6"

Meeting - 1977 - Stones - H.2 3/4" x W. 3"

Figure 1989 - Stones - H.3.5" x W.2.5"

Selected Sculptures 1967-2007 Page 2

Links to: 'From Death to Birth' - 'De La Muerte al Nacimiento'

Analysis In Variation - Humberto, Silvano Tribute- Análisis En Variación

Imaginary Landscapes - Paisajes Imaginarios

The Spirit of the Butterfly- El Espiritu de las Mariposas

Circular Abstractions - Circulos Abstractos

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